Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I will admit that it said "Don't click" but I did anyway. It's funny. BUT WHATEVER YOU DO, DON'T. CLICK. ON. IT.


I saw this and just had to link to it. So I did. So there.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Tomorrow is chirstmas. Wow. Where'd the year go, anyway? I mean, wow. The year went by so fast. We got the vette and abby. We got a new cat. I turned 12. Mom and dad turned x and x-3. I enjoyed the year, even though it went by so fast. I wrote a novel. I only thought it was so-so. I got and finished luminous arc 2. Well, actually, to be fair, I got it and played through the althea ending... and now I need to beat the fatima ending and finish with 100%.

I started playing the cello, also.

Monday, December 8, 2008


Yesterday I beat luminous arc 2. But, it makes me kind of sad because of the way I beat the final boss.

I used items that hit for 1000 points of damage each time I use them on it. I won, but it made me feel empty, like I was cheating. The boss recovered 350 health a turn, and I could not deal enough damage to negate that.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Today is game night day.

About a week ago now, Mom tricked me. She showed me something called chore wars, and told me that I gain experiance by doing chores. So, I said I did the laundry. She asked me if I had put the load of laundry into the washer yet. I was like "WHAT!?!" She told me you do chores in chore wars, and then do them in real life. I was angry. At one point I yelled "You tricked me!" And she said, proudly, "Yep."

Monday, December 1, 2008


Gah mornin. I'm Tired.

But, last night, I made it to 35k in nano. But, Nano is now over. Oh well. I am proud of what I did. So, now I go do math.