Friday, January 30, 2009


Today I am going to a beadmaking class in mountain view at 7:30 pm (So Mom and I are leaving at 5:00 pm to have dinner) and my pottery class in pacifica at the usual time. And then tomorrow is the weekend, and we put Oliver (my cello) back in the corner that he is usually in because we had to move stuff around out of that corner for a while.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today I went to get my braces checked because I had something jabbing into my cheek. Nothing to worry about, just my cheek is sensitive. Now I have a reason to do the saltwater washes. Today we are getting the house cleaned. Oh, and dim sum during the chinese new year? Yummy.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Today is just a math day, for mom is going to art class. But that's okay, because quadratics are fun. A lot of fun. even if I can never remember the definintion of them (>.<) they are still fun to do.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


It's already tuesday. Wow. Where'd last week go? Where'd yesterday go? I've already had my braces for two weeks. It feels longer. Maybe shorter. Time is a funny thing. Time flies like an arrow. I'm really just extending this now. Oh well. Maybe I should write about something tomorrow other then the fact that mom has art class. I'm not doing anything, after all.

Monday, January 26, 2009


For the first time sense xmas break, I actually have a cello lesson today. Yay! Also, because my teacher is moving, this is my last lesson at her house. I am joining a junior group, and I'll be practicing at the leader of that group's house from now on. Yay! Tomorrow I get my braces checked for stuff. I am still getting used to them, but I can eat everything that I can fit into my mouth. To a point. there are still some things that I am not allowed to eat. Like bagels. But those things will not be allowed while I have braces.

Sunday, January 25, 2009


Happy uhm, weekend? Hmmm... what to write about... AH! I KNOW!

This week was actually fairly busy. For starters, president obama was elected on tuesday. And then on friday, it was the day of packages. I got my new laptop. YAY! It was a macbook. The new one. The reason I am so happy about it is because this is the first time my laptop is my laptop, not mom's old laptop or dad's old laptop. So I am sitting on the couch, writing on my laptop this entry, and getting better used the its keyboard.

Now, I decided to talk about my progress in the world ends with you next, so, here it is:

I actually unlocked both ultimate difficulty and chain 16. I have over 75% of all items, and I have 20% pin mastery. Currently, I am trying to gain hollow leg, and then I will try for the darklit planets, the best pins in the game. I am getting fairly skilled, and I can fight against taboo noise in joshua, day 7 on ultimate without any real trouble. I also know how to get more scaletite: you need one dark matter. Dark matter is a quest item using ten shadow matter, or one boss rarely drops it on ultimate. However, dark matter is dropped by ALL taboo noise on ultimate, with a default drop rate of less than 1 percent. Yes, it can be a pain. Actually, I want irregular note before I get the darklit planets, partially because a:
I have two parts of irregular note, and there are four
and b:
The two I need are the ones dropped from beat games master and shiki games master. I got to the top of pork city, the gatito floor, but then I found something annoying: two insanely powerful pig noise, one of which actually fights with you. Ugh.

I think that's it, and I think I have posted enough that I am not behind in words anymore, so bye.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


What to post today? In all honesty, I don't know. Dad has a lot of meetings today. First one at like 7:00, then one at 9:00, and finally one at 10:00, so I'm going to be doing math for most of the afternoon, but other stuff until then. I don't know what yet. Mom is also going to art class.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Not only is today bowling day, but we were also watching the inaguaration for president Obama. Chris is bringing my death note back, along with two volumes of dragon drive and 2&3 of d. gray-man. I'm bringing four bleach and one suprise.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Rant 2, part 2

Continuing my rant...

However, there is another thing that is utterly pointless and makes no sense whatsoever, and that is the following: Most schools, virtual or not, consider handwriting proof of your learning. WTF!? So, you take people used to doing what is most conveniant, most likely typing it out, and you force them to hand write all of their essay? In my personal opinion, it makes no sense that handwriting is proof of your learning, because you can't learn anything from it besides hand-eye coordination, and with how popular videogames are these days, most kids already have exellent hand-eye coordination. So, I think handwriting is pointless, and I conclude my rant.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Rant 2, part 1

Yes, I did it. I'm ranting again. Oh no! EVERYONE RUN TO THE BUNKERS! IT'S STARTING! AHHHHHHH!

Today, I am actually ranting about something that I do not just dislike, I think is useless in our current state: handwriting. It is, in my humble opinion, virtually useless. The method of moving your hand to make letters is a long and difficult behavior, and erasing is harder, because you have to be much more careful. However, with a keyboard, it is as simple as pressing the delete key. There. it is gone. not even a trace. That is another of the reasons I think keyboards are better. In fact, the only thing I think handwriting is good for is as proof of identity. And that is only until keyboards with custom fonts are made. Then people can have a special custom font and keyboard, and sign with those. At least, that's what I think would be cool.

Monday, January 12, 2009


My rant is going to be written tomorrow. Why? Today I want to write about what I did over the weekend.

On Saturday, the trip to Marin was actually not as bad as I thought it would be. All we had to do was take in a few pictures. We then went to out favorite place to eat in the area there, and came home. On Sunday, we went to the LEGO store and I got a buncha legos, and the ones that I wanted that they didn't have were ordered online. Then, we went to the apple store. Mom got iwork, they got a new internet network, Dad got a collection of games so he doesn't have to play bridge on his computer anymore. (wth?) I got an expansion pack for my copy of age of empires III (play as the Japanese! The chinese! the Indians! Build wonders to age up!) And that's what we did this weekend.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Tomorrow is going to be busy. We are going to Marin county for ANOTHER art show that Mom is in. *sigh* And then we are going to take the xmas tree, because Mom does not like the idea of having an easter tree. I might do another rant next week. If I figure out the subject. Maybe traveling. Or something ridiculous.... AH! I know. I'll rant on... (bum da da dum) handwriting. Please note that I only rant about things that I hate, so yeah.... I do not like handwriting.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


I had a great idea on what to post today. I now I forgot it. Completely and utterly. Man, that's annoying.

Umm... I did my chores this morning.

I am mostly just writing filler.

Ummm..... I got some new volumes of death note for xmas, and again when we went to the bookstore. Umm... I think I just hit 40 words, lemme check.

*boots up word*

*waits for it to load*

*copy and pastes this into it*

*reads result*

Okay, I'm good. Bye everyone.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I have no idea what we are doing today. I know what I having for breakfast. I know I am doing school. I don't know what I am doing for school. I don't know what I am doing besides school, if anything. I just don't know. However, sometimes ignorance is bliss, so maybe I don't want to know...?

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Rant 1, part 2

Welcome to part two of my first rant.

In all honesty, there is another thing that annoys me just as much as textspeak. What is that?
The general illiteracy of the internet. I'm talking about people who can't spell. People who make my eyes hurt. Every browser has a spellchecker, so why don't you use it, Eh? It annoys me mostly if they don't say something like "My english is bad" or "I have a reading disorder" because those are good reasons to not be able to spell. I'm talking about people who don't know how to spell, but don't know that, and people that don't care. I care about perfect spelling, so maybe I'm just being anal. But I really, really, really hate it that most people cannot spell. If I can't spell something, then I use a different word, I don't usually keep the word that I cannot spell. This is related to texting because, in my view, texting encourages the youth of our world to spell badly.

I am running out of stuff, so that's it for my first rant.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Rant 1, part 1

Welcome. Today, I am going to put up part 1 of my first rant.

Today, I am ranting about a virus. A... disease. But, this is different from ordinary diseases. For this one is sprouted from electronics. It is called... Texting. This disease is so bad, that it has spread across millions of teens everywhere, dominating their lives. Now, I am not ranting about texting in itself, I just think it's silly. Oh nooooo... what I am ranting about is something sprouted from texting. Textspeak. The act of reducing a word to the fewest keystrokes possible. I can almost, almost understand why they do it for texting. I have spent exactly one text message in my life, and it was about five words long. It took me almost two minutes. That is why I can almost understand it for texting. Almost. Why can't I exactly? Well, that is simple. They use it everywhere. Online. everywhere. It becomes how they spell words. Some of them I use, because they are useful. Stuff like lol, wtf, brb, those I use. The examples of what I hate, and what is making me rant in the first place: wut, u, ur, y, alrght, k, etc. Any and all methods of shortening words to a set that is easier and faster to type. That I hate. If you want to send a message, you may as well type it all in full. And that are why I hate texting and textspeak.

Okay, part 2 comes up tomorrow.

Saturday, January 3, 2009



Winter break is almost over. I got a bunch of books, and we went to the bookstore last week. Yesterday was a pain, though. We had to hang pictures in the san francisco botanical library for the darwin exhibit celebrating darwin's 200th birthday. Mom's art class was picked to do the paintings for it, and she ended up having to do the scans for it.

Actually, it was a pain for mom, who had to do a ton of last minute changes. I had lucked out. Shortly after we got there, one of Mom's classmates brought her tall fire fighter stepson, who hung pictures, and his two daughters, who were little girls. Shortly after they arrived, I was given babysitting duty. I lucked out because of two reasons:

A: They didn't want me to read them a story, which was offered by one of the ladies there, so I didn't have to do that, or anything resembling entertaining them, either, because they could entertain themselves.

B: The real reason I was watching them is so that they did not run around and get in everyone's way. But, both girls were very well behaved, so I basically got an excuse to do virtually nothing, execept humor them with my (?) wisdom in the laws of physics, so that when they tried to pile up cushions and then sit on them, it would not fall over. It didn't work, and the cushion still fell over, but at least I tried.

As stated, I lucked out.

We left to get there at 8:45, and got there around 9-ish. We ended up leaving at 5-ish. Mom didn't even get to have anything to eat for lunch, she spent that entire time working. Worse yet, she says that if the librarian was there, she would STILL be working, even though it was 5:00!

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I decided that tomorrow I am going to start the first part of a rant. For my sanity, I am most likely going to write 40 words every weekday. Every day I miss, the amount I need to write the next day doubles. So I am dividing the rant up into parts, like the smart alec I am. But, I found this thing on someone's sig online, I have to put it up.

Programming today is a race between engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots.

So far? I think the universe is winning.