Friday, March 27, 2009


Today is art day, and tomorrow is the weekend. That means that I can do whatever tomorrow (after we get home from theory) and Sunday (after I... Umm... wake up)

Thursday, March 26, 2009


I'm feeling too tired recently. I don't fall asleep for a while, and when I do it does not last very long.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Dad has to go into work today, a rare thing.

Monday, March 23, 2009

I've given up

On coming up with a unique title. Sigh. Anyway, Today is Monday, which means orchestra day. I hope that I have practiced Cellos Ole enough so that when it comes time for us to do it, I do it well. Cellos Ole is quite the hard piece, and I've spent most of the past week practicing it when I practice.

Friday, March 20, 2009


Today is not only art day, but I also get to go to a cello concert tonight.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Every time I try to come up with one, I have used it. Sometimes it can get extremely annoying. Like, really really. THAT'S IT! My lack of variety in my titles is just like a younger sibling. A really annoying younger sibling. So, I shall name my new younger sibling... Oliver.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


I don't have to go ANYWHERE today. No where. At all. Yay.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Another busy day.

Today, we first have to go to my music lesson and go over a really, really hard piece that I have to work on, and then bowling. bowling + lesson = busy, but fun. Mom and I are actually going to have to bring something from home for lunch. However, we make good food, so it will not be bad at all.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I just invented a new word. Yugh. It is Yay and ugh. It can be used in a place where you do something worthy of yay followed by something worthy of ugh, or vice versa. In this case, I am the latter. It is ugh, because our ES is coming, followed by yay, because today is orchestra day, so, it is yugh.

Friday, March 13, 2009


Today is a yearbook meeting day and Art class. I get to hang out with Chris this weekend. I'll help him out with TWEWY and maybe show him more of fire emblem shadow dragon, in this case, the arena. And showing him a time-honored tradition of any good fire emblem game: arena abuse. What is arena abuse? Well, it is simple, really, It is the act of utilizing the arena to take all of your characters, good, bad, or in the middle, sticking them in the arena, and having a healer stand next to them and heal them. Great exp for both the healer, your character, and your wallet. Your wallet because you give a wager, and pay it if you lose or run away, but keep it if you win. I got one of my best characters, wolf, up to level 20 for it. I now have a monster that I can put in the front lines who take no damage from all enemy attacks that hit him that are not done with an armorslayer, hammer, magic, or in the arena. In the arena he only takes about 7-14 points, 14 if it is a warrior or berzerker with a silver axe. 7 if it is anything that is not a swordsmaster. 0 if it is a swordsmaster.


My teeth feel better.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


As usual for after a dentist appointment, my mouth hurts and aches. A lot. So much so that, as usual, I had oatmeal for breakfast. I hope to be better by Sunday-ish so that I can hang out with Chris.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Well, crud.

I don't have any manga that Chris might like that he has not read. Well, crud. I went to the orthodontist's today. My braces got a heavier wire. My mouth hurts now. I have a cello lesson today, too.

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today is ochestra. This is, however, going to work a little differently then normal. You see, Mom is going to art class, and Dad is busy with work, so neither of them can take me to ochestra. However, Ethan, who just so happens to be in the same group, but not ochestra, as I am, (I am in the junior for GGP, he is in the senior) is still going to ochestra. Knowing that, Mom asked his mom if they could take me, and she said they could if I didn't mind going to Ethan's lesson. Mom knew that I didn't, so she said "Okay, thanks" and that was that.

Friday, March 6, 2009


Today I slept in really late. Until like, 8:50. I was really tired last night. Ah well. It appears that I am going to have to buy some stuff usable in free worlds in runescape so that I can hang out with chris and matt.

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today is game night. I'm most likely going to mostly play munchkin, sense Chris lost his moniter time (>.<)

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Today is neither good nor bad. Today is zen. I hope to sleep like a cat. I doubt I'll be able to.

Monday, March 2, 2009


We are going to have a busy week this week.