Thursday, November 18, 2010


Thirty days and nights of literary abandon. The month of November, given something fun. It's not December, so you don't have the advent calendar or working up to Christmas yet. It's past October, so you don't have to look forward to Halloween or anything else during the month, so you just look forward to being able to write. And write. And write. Or, you practice cello and do your chores and school work (and then write) or you eat (and then write) or you sleep and (and then write) or you go to the bathroom (and write) or you go out somewhere (and then write when you get home).

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Today is another day.

I have no idea what to blag about today. Mom is still sick, Dad has meetings most of the morning, and the only thing significant happening to me is my cello lesson. And it's November. So I have nothing to blag about.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Today is Blag day

And Mom is still sick. So, I will blag about my favorite anime. Which is actually a surprisingly hard debate. I could talk about Darker Than Black and its Chinese Electric Batman protagonist, but that one is over and I think I want to talk about one still airing. So, it's going to be Star Driver. Which is an awesome giant mecha anime by studio BONES.

The Voice actor the main character, Takuto, is Mamoru Miyatano. Which means nothing to people who haven't watched Gundam OO, where he voiced the main character, Setsuna F. Seiei or Ouran Highschool Host Club, where he voiced rather hilariously Tamaki there. He also voiced Light in Death Note. Essentially, he voices a character in the role of Setsuna with the personality and hilarity of Tamaki. Its honestly surprising just how entertaining it is. So, I end up looking forward to when the next episode comes out.

Monday, November 15, 2010

The cold

Mom has a cold. That means that she feels unusually cold, for some reason. She also has an icky throat and some coughs. I got this cold last week, lasting about from Wednesday until Saturday, and so, of course, Mom now has it worse than I got it. Which sucks for her. But, she just has a really icky throat, which is better than some people, who have apparently been running fevers. So, I end up with no schedule today, not that I can really blame Mom for it.

Friday, November 12, 2010

NaNo Update

So, today, my blag entry is supposed to be NaNo update, but I have no idea what that means. Do I put up part of my novel? Do I write about how cool my novel is, or how much better I have gotten at writing? Or how much fun I have doing crazy people? Or how I am mixing mystery elements into my regular story, and assume that people are enough on top of it to figure out what I mean? I don't know.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Veteren's Day

Today is veteran's day. That means that today, most schools get the day off. Not mine. We are taking tomorrow off, because it is easier to take a three-day weekend than to take a day in the middle of the week off. So, we are taking tomorrow off, rather than today. Not that I am going to complain about a three day weekend. I have an icky cold, as well, which completely and totally sucks. I keep on coughing and hacking up flem, but it's not as bad as yesterday, when I had trouble going to sleep until like 4 a.m. and ended up spending the entire morning sleeping.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

LARP again

Today, I get to blag about the LARP on Sunday. Don't ask me why I didn't do it on Monday, I do not know. So, essentially, the fictional world that the LARP takes place in is turning into America. No, seriously. Prices are up 25% (at least) everywhere. But, enough of that. Playing the game itself was fun, and I wound up with some good stuff on my character, although it kind of counteracts the whole thing with the Saturday group character that I have having no weapons whatsoever. From what I have heard, however, my Sunday character will have to lose almost half of his equipment that is armor because mages cannot wear armor.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Homework. The bane of most people's existence. You must do it. If you don't, you fall behind and/or fail the class. But you don't want to do it. Because it is time consuming and usually fairly boring. But you need to do it. If you don't do it, you get in trouble. Or you fail the class. And so, you end up spending the evenings working on you homework for you classes, because you need the class to graduate and don't want to fail. So you work on it, except on all of Saturday and Sunday afternoon. Trying to keep up to date.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Laundry. One chore that nobody likes doing, but is also one of the most necessary chores to do. Without laundry, we have no clothes, instead forced to suffer in the cold. We could not go outside because we had no clothing, and would be forced to wear old, dirty, and grimy clothing instead of anything clean and comfortable.

Therefore, it should be obvious that doing the laundry is a very, very important thing indeed, for if it is not done, then nobody will have any clothes to wear and grumpiness will be everywhere. And the overall grumpiness will cause everyone to overreact to every little thing, eventually leading to an increased murder rate and eventual total societal collapse.

Friday, November 5, 2010

My favorite manga

Today, I have to blag about my favorite manga. I will honestly say that it is not Bleach. It is just the only one that had a character with a natural hair color that matched mine... wait a minute... okay, the only one with a character that I could find a cosplay of... wait a minute (one google search later) nope. I cannot find a cosplay of the main character of my favorite manga, The World God Only Knows. It is hilarious. The main character is absolutely awesome. The level of hilarity is epic. His expressions are priceless. He is just constantly playing his games, even during class, but his advantage is quite simple:

He has perfect test scores. He always gets 100% on all subjects, even P.E. (if I recall correctly). And yet, all he does during class is play games. He knows all of the test answers before even the teachers for the class. He can guess the test scores based on the teachers' personalities. Even if I did not like the main plotlines (which I do) I would call this my favorite manga anyway. Now, my favorite anime... that's a different story.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Montara is where I live. It is the planet between Half Moon Bay and Pacifica. I have been asked many times what planet was I from, and that is pretty much my universal answer:
"The one between Half Moon Bay and Pacifica." It pretty much shuts them up every time. I mean, are you going to argue with someone who gives you such an exact answer? It is always an enjoyable thing to mix a bit of truth into your statements when you are yanking someone's chain.

I can also look at people weirdly, because half of the people in my orchestra have never really left San Francisco while still being in California.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010


As it appears, I have been told to write about the main character of my novel this year. He kind of is vaguely evil, or at least misguided, but I am going to enjoy writing him. But, he also shares a name with a weather effect. That is, fast-moving wind. So, I can write about either the character or the weather condition. And so I will write about both.

Essentially, what swiftwind does is run around really fast, with the "wind behind his back" quite literally. He carries around a sword, and runs really fast behind enemy lines really quickly. He isn't nearly as broken and Endon or Lightonin, but he gets the job done. He is one of my least favorite of my characters, though.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Today is an Ian - sees - how - many - words - he - can - write - in - a - half - an - hour - day. Just like yesterday. In fact yesterday was also an Ian - sees - how - many - words - he - can - write - in - a - half - an - hour - day for my blag entry. In fact, because of the fact that Mom has factually declared it to be a fact that all of my (entirely factual) blag entries count for my novel word count, I am factually just writing a factual account of what it is like to factually attempt to do this is. (Can you tell it is a fact that it is November now?) Facts, facts, facts. Did you know that the more you say a word, the less meaning it has? I did not. That was an extremely factual fact. There is no such thing as a false fact, or a bad fact.

What is with the word "fact" anyway? As far as I am concerned, it is a fact that factually speaking, the word "fact" sounds extremely factually weird. I mean, factually speaking, it sounds kind of like a bodily function, or some other factual thing. I mean, really, factually speaking, what is up with that word? It goes beyond normal levels of factual weirdness and into the factually ridiculous category. What is with that word?

Well, I am running out of facts to rant about, so here ends my fully factual account of how many words I can write in half an hour turned into fifteen minutes (Answer: IT'S OVER 200!!!! (Fact.)), so here ends my Ian - sees - how - many - words - he - can - write - in - a - half - an - hour - day.

Edit: It is actually OVER 300!!!!. I checked. Factually. Which somehow kind of sounds like actually. Like the phrase: "actually, it is a fact" was merged into one word, and they called it factually. For some reason.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The day after Halloween

The day after Halloween is never a very fun day, especially if it is a weekday. For one thing, you are usually going to bed quite a bit later than you normally would for Halloween, and for another, the candy that you eat can give you a sugar rush. I got one, amazingly enough, even though I never get sugar rushes. Another thing is that having to get up early to go to the dentist the day after Halloween is also not really a good thing. So, I woke up. After some effort, I managed to get up and go to the bathroom and get dressed. Then we had to leave. We got there. I got anesthesia for my mouth. Then I got my cavities filled. Then I went home and went to sleep. And now I am awake.