Tuesday, September 14, 2010


In orchestra yesterday, the basses successfully demonstrated that yes, they were there to screw off like last year and prove that they are the drummers of the orchestra, the first violins demonstrated that yes, they are competent, the second violins demonstrated that no, they are not as competent as last year, the violas demonstrated that they really were really bad violins playing viola who liked to rush. Oh, and the cellos showed that they were very solid (consisting mostly of people who were there last year) and that they hated (almost) all violins. We got some music from Pirates of the Caribbean, which is almost entirely fun (except for the blood ritual), and is reminding me that I should probably go re-watch those movies. The other pieces were fun, although I got stuck sitting next to Simone in sectional. She is the single most annoying person in the universe, and we have the same part in our cello group, so I am stuck with her. :(

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